Wednesday 18 June 2014

It's been a while...

I know it has been forever and four years since I have posted on here, but I started at Rhodes University  here in South Africa in January and haven't really had spare time to spend on my beloved blog. So, I apologise to all of my fourteen followers and fans (if I have any, I doubt it, I just wanted to say 'fans') for being so lame, but I am alive and will tend to my blog properly again soon.

Note: not ALL female soccer fans look like this; we come in all shapes and
sizes but share the same passion regardless. (Photo: sourced)
In the meantime, here is an awesome article written about female soccer fans appropriately during the World Cup (DOES IT EXCITE EVERYONE ELSE AS MUCH AS IT EXCITES ME?!) by the Mail & Guardian: a South African news organisation. My Journalism and Media Studies lecturer sent it to me after a lengthy discussion about the problems of discrimination our university soccer team has been/is facing thus far. I wrote a feature article about it, so me thinks I will post that too...


Alert: Today's female Fifa World Cup soccer fan 

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